Who Are We and Why Are We Headed for Shamrock?

We met online in 2005 trying to--what else--lose weight. We've had our ups and downs along the way, but we're not where we want to be. This is our journey to get fit and healthy. We invite you to follow us as we "exercise" our way across the country--track our progress on the map to Shamrock below-- in an effort to each lose 50 pounds by the end of 2009 and adopt a healthier lifestyle along the road.

Where will we go once we reach our goals? The sky's the limit... but we're thinking Greece would be nice.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 14: Daily Report

  • mini ww bagel with smidge of peanut butter
  • hard boiled egg
  • 1/2 apple
  • nf latte
  • chicken shewarma (grilled chicken, cucumbers, tomatoes, hummus)
  • string cheese
  • pear
  • 2 spinach raviolis (2''x 2") with tofu and broccoli spiked sauce (added puree)
  • 1-1/2 cups steamed broccoli and cauliflower
  • more than 75 oz
  • 1 hour yoga
Victories: After yesterday anything would seem like a victory! Making it to yoga on my lunch hour is a huge victory. I haven't taken a class in a couple of years and it was hard, but worth it.
Defeats: I intended to take the ferry and walk the 4 miles to and from my office, but I ran late and had to drive. No other time to get any walking in.

  • 1 1/4 c. bran flakes and milk
  • 1 banana
  • 8 2" graham crackers
  • 8 Ritz crackers
  • 1 Lean Cuisine 4 cheese Pizza
  • 1/2 Grilled dessert sandwich (peanut butter, banana, marshmallow) with a Tbsp. of whipped cream and a tsp. of Hershey syrup*
  • spinach salad with black beans, asparagus, 2 Tbsp. cheddar cheese, cukes, tomatoes, lite dressing
  • didn't keep track very well....maybe 50 oz.
  • Wii Fit: 30 minutes
  • Pedometer: 1479 steps = .69 miles
Okay, so it was a bit of a stressful day. Took the two oldest kids for well child visits, and the oldest had a bit of a freakout about getting shots (she's afraid of needles). This stressed me out quite a bit and I felt so bad for her. We ended up being at the doctor's office for much longer than we planned and when we got home, baby had to nurse and we were ALL starving!!! Kids got out the crackers and I just kept eating. Then (*) happened. We were watching Paula Dean and she

Victories: Not continuing to eat crackers all day. Eating a salad for dinner while Neo went to Burger King to get dinner for everyone else.

Defeats: Eating crackers in the first place. Watching Paula Dean ;) . Not getting enough movement in. Not being more conscientious about the water. *Watched Paula Dean make that sandwich and we wanted to try it so bad. Luckily we only had 1 banana left, so we could only squeeze out 2 sandwiches to share among the 6 of us (3-month old declined!). It. was. so. good. Melty, ooey, gooey. I guess I redeemed myself a bit with the salad. I can't believe I ate this way with a weigh-in tomorrow.
Stu. pid.

1 comment:

  1. OMG Betty Lou, I had the worst food day today and needed some inspiration..just to see you had the same kind of day yesterday. Thanks for getting right back on the horse today..I think I'll actually go to spinning in the morning.
