Who Are We and Why Are We Headed for Shamrock?

We met online in 2005 trying to--what else--lose weight. We've had our ups and downs along the way, but we're not where we want to be. This is our journey to get fit and healthy. We invite you to follow us as we "exercise" our way across the country--track our progress on the map to Shamrock below-- in an effort to each lose 50 pounds by the end of 2009 and adopt a healthier lifestyle along the road.

Where will we go once we reach our goals? The sky's the limit... but we're thinking Greece would be nice.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Weigh-In: Week 3

Hooray for Peggy Sue! She hit the 5 lbs. mark! I'm at 3.8 for three weeks. Pretty average, but I can't complain. I have been trying but I've also been resisting the "d" word and insisting on eating normal portions of whole foods. The only problem is, I haven't stuck to my plan very well. I think it's time to revisit my original goals and get back to the basics. I've made some ok mental progress in the last few weeks, so I'm feeling not so bad about 3.8 pounds.

As for last week's exercise challenge, I didn't quite hit my mark of 3.8 miles per day. I did increase average mileage, but I did go from 2.8 to 3.2 miles. It'll be harder now that it's raining, but this week I WILL DO IT.

Now I have reached the 5 pound mark! Over three weeks I suppose that's not too shabby. When I break 215 I'm going to buy myself this apron. The last two days of calorie counting have gone pretty well, considering that that is an activity I really hate. It has made me so much more aware of what I'm eating. I tend to be a mindless eater. But with exercise I have a unique challenge. Time. No, I know, everyone has that challenge. But with a baby who wants to be held ALL THE TIME, I can barely get a shower in most days. Time for a new plan. I'll work on that this weekend. I'd like to take a bike ride tomorrow, but the forecast calls for rain. I'm going to buy a step platform tomorrow, and see what else I can get set up. Exercise is going to be key for me in controlling my PCOS and in losing weight. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Cute apron! I don't have any but I always look at the million dollar ones at Anthropologie. I love that store, but I digress...

    Good job on 5 pounds, you've earned your apron!
