I am not going to blog my food today. I honestly don't remember much about today's food. It was a "grab what you can when you can" kind of day and I made some good and some bad choices. I will be able to finish my water here in a bit. I only have 1 miles worth of steps for the day (never did get to exercise). But I did have sauteed veggies and chicken INSTEAD of maple syrup on toast (a major comfort food of mine). So again, progress.
I give myself a B- for today overall. It's been rough since I have SO much to catch up on after the holidays....too many outings to my parents' house with family from out of town and not enough time at home doing all the projects I'd hoped I would have time to tackle over the holidays. But here I am, with a huge "to do" list and not enough time to do it.
Monday's gonna land on me like a ton o' bricks.
Hey, veggies and chicken beat movie popcorn any day! And why am I'm not surprised about the twin popcorn challenges??