Won't you please excuse me? I'll be back in a jiffy.
I'm back... and here's the day's tally:
B-Banana, nf latte, 1/2 nf berry scone (split with Sebastian)
[insert mental breakdown here]
L-cottage cheese, applesauce, 1 oz cheese, 6 ww crackers
[insert stress and general unhappiness here]
Sn- peanuts in the shell, didn't count but not a huge amount, banana
[insert identification of potential solution to source of stress]
[insert 2 phone meetings and a shuttle ride with a car seat and two kids to go pick up my car from the shop (not the source of stress but didn't help the situation)]
D-organic indian food frozen dinner- not bad, actually and only 270 calories
I feel better now, but I'm so glad this day is over. I'm so tired of being worried and stressed out about life in general. Have I mentioned that I hate dealing with finances? I do. I do. I do. I hate it.
Tomorrow I have to go into the office, but I'm actually looking forward to it. It will be a good distraction and I'll get some walking in.
I'm sorry you had such a rough day. I'm feeling overwhelmed myself lately. There is so much to do and so little time to do it in. And when I do have time, I feel like I need to do something to help my sanity. Something that I want to do, not something that I have to do. I hope your today is better at the office.