Who Are We and Why Are We Headed for Shamrock?

We met online in 2005 trying to--what else--lose weight. We've had our ups and downs along the way, but we're not where we want to be. This is our journey to get fit and healthy. We invite you to follow us as we "exercise" our way across the country--track our progress on the map to Shamrock below-- in an effort to each lose 50 pounds by the end of 2009 and adopt a healthier lifestyle along the road.

Where will we go once we reach our goals? The sky's the limit... but we're thinking Greece would be nice.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Gimme 5... er... Take 5!

What I'm trying say is: Whoohoo! I finally lost five pounds! 5.6 to be exact. Took long enough, huh? I got off to a slow start, but now that I'm tracking calories, I think I'm on the right track. That still leaves me with a whole gob of pounds left to lose, but I'm finally thinking I can do it. It's funny that my 5 pound "reward" was supposed to be new sunglasses (I broke my favorite pair and my backup pair disappeared off my desk at work!) and I bought some on sale a few days ago but forgot about them until my weigh-in yesterday. I guess my brain knew that I'd lost this week. I can't wait until my pants know!

I have some other goals/rewards in mind. I'm trying not to tie losses to dates because that usually doesn't work for me. Just going along with my plan... counting my calories and getting my exercise in... should keep my going in the right direction. It's so easy for me to get discouraged, but somehow, I have to keep my eyes on the ultimate prize and trust that I'll get to my goals if I stick with it.

I haven't been tracking my food carefully for the last few days. A crazy make-due schedule took over that was out of my hands and then I came down with the flu. I'm feeling better today and I'll be back to my normal meals and tracking tomorrow.

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