- oatmeal
- fresh blueberries
- fake sausage patty
- lf string cheese
- lf pretzels
- spinach salad (w/tomatoes, cucumbers, 1 oz shredded lf cheese) wrap in whole wheat tortilla
- nf yogurt
- lf animal crackers
- baked chips and salsa
- 1 cup zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, garlic, onions over 1/4 cup whole wheat pasta with a sprinkle of parmesan and a 1/4 cup nf cottage cheese (works like ricotta)
Water: 3 liters
Exercise: Walked 2 miles
Multi-vitamin: check
Victories: I guess it was a good day.
Defeats: I'd wanted to walk more today. Could trade some of those snacky things for more nutritious stuff. Baby steps.
Observations: Maybe I really wasn't getting enough calories in before. I feel totally satisfied...myabe even a little on the full side.

- 6 oz. juice
- 1/2 ww English muffin with butter
- 1 serving 8-grain hot cereal with milk and cinnamon sugar
- 1 ww toast with 1 oz cheddar
- 6 oz. yogurt
- 1 c. spinach with lite dressing
- Lean Cuisine panini sandwich
- 6 oz. yogurt
- 8 large marshmallows
- Mexican pasta creation (leftover chicken, cheese, elbows, black olives, black beans, red. fat sour cream) about 1 c.
- "BLT's" while I was making dinner....too many
- 90 oz.
- 1 hour Slow-robics (Fit-tv)
Defeats: Late afternoon snacking and snacking during dinner prep.
Observations: I do well until mid-afternoon, then I lose it. It's hard for me to cook and do alright with food. I mean, cooking from scratch. When I have a Nutrisystem dinner or a frozen diet entree, it's so much easier, but then I have to make something else for the family. Always a challenge.
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