Who Are We and Why Are We Headed for Shamrock?

We met online in 2005 trying to--what else--lose weight. We've had our ups and downs along the way, but we're not where we want to be. This is our journey to get fit and healthy. We invite you to follow us as we "exercise" our way across the country--track our progress on the map to Shamrock below-- in an effort to each lose 50 pounds by the end of 2009 and adopt a healthier lifestyle along the road.

Where will we go once we reach our goals? The sky's the limit... but we're thinking Greece would be nice.

Monday, March 9, 2009

What's up with this weather?

I walked 2 miles last Monday in the snow, all bundled up. Today, I walked that same 2 miles in 77 degree weather with all my kids and the baby in the stroller! It was a really nice day out. So beautiful! And it feels good to know that my exercise is done for the day. Because even though it was a nice day,
I still hate exercise!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for sunshine! I'm loving the nice weather out here on my coast, too. I don't think it's 77 but is sunny and springy. Love it! I'm going out for my walk in just a little bit. So much easy than when it's pouring rain... or snow, in your case, Peggy Sue.
