Who Are We and Why Are We Headed for Shamrock?

We met online in 2005 trying to--what else--lose weight. We've had our ups and downs along the way, but we're not where we want to be. This is our journey to get fit and healthy. We invite you to follow us as we "exercise" our way across the country--track our progress on the map to Shamrock below-- in an effort to each lose 50 pounds by the end of 2009 and adopt a healthier lifestyle along the road.

Where will we go once we reach our goals? The sky's the limit... but we're thinking Greece would be nice.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Weigh-In: Weeks 7 & 8

Let's see. Week 7 was a decent weigh-in but I knew it was somewhat of a fluke. I wasn't surprised when I weigh-in this week (Week 8) and saw that I'd gained a little bit back.

Still... this is week 8--almost week 9-- and I haven't even lost a pound a week on average. I have nobody to blame but myself. I need to make me a priority and it's so hard! I'm just trying to stick to my plan for a day, and sometimes an hour, at a time.

Peggy Sue says that Peggy Sue is a loser! Okay, not in the good way either. I've been so stressed lately and it's shown up on the scales. Still adjusting to baby #5 (shouldn't this be old hat for me by now??) and having a hard time dealing with everything in life. I have to resort my goals...will be posting about that soon. I feel bad that I've basically abandoned Betty Lou, although she knows the stress I've been under, as well as the fact that I've been pretty sick this week. All I can do is keep trying to be healthier. But I worry that I may never realize my slender-as-this-body-will-get dreams.

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