Somehow I did it again. I can't help but feel that I don't deserve this because I wasn't on plan for most of the time this past week. I didn't exercise at all but most days I hardly ate at all, too. I can't keep that up, even if it does look mighty fine on the scale. And as proof that that it's not good to combine a busy, stressful week with not eating right, I'm not coming down with a cold. But maybe, in some way, I am making long term changes because this week would have given my the perfect excuse to overeat and just plain not care. In addition to a crazy busy week at work, my cat, who had been sick for a while, died. I had to make the decision to take him and put him down. No amount of comfort food can bring my cat back, right?
For some reason I thought that my weigh-in from last week was lower, but it was the same as this week. Not much to be proud of, but at least I didn't gain. I'm trying to wrap my brain around why someone who wants to be slender so badly would continue to eat sabotage foods in sabotage amounts. I am so miserable at this weight....I just hate the way my body feels. I have to find a way to get through this. Now that baby Elvis is eating well and gaining weight, maybe I can relax and get back into getting myself healthy.
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